
BayWa r.e. Wins €6.5m For Agri-PV Projects


               BayWa’s renewables division has secured funding from the EU’s LIFE Programme to develop several agri-PV projects. The €6.5m will be invested in six sites in several EU markets to come online by 2027. Three projects will prove the benefits for using agri-PV to supplement fruit farming at scale (fruitvoltaics).

               The sites, part of EU LIFE ADAPT-PV, are located in France, Spain and the Netherlands. Three more projects in Germany, Spain, and Italy will examine ways to scale up agri-PV alongside arable crops like summer and winter wheat or soya within the EU LIFE LEAD-PV development. In the EU LIFE LEAD-PV scheme, BayWa r.e. wants to demonstrate how agri-PV can support farmers to reduce their CO2 emissions in land use. “With these six projects, across five countries, we’re pushing innovative Agri-PV applications into the marketplace,” said head of product management agri-PV at BayWa r.e Stephan Schindele. “Only if the farming, environment, and energy sectors work hand in hand, can we successfully adapt to climate change while also minimising carbon footprint in farming processes.”







Credits: [Image: BayWa r.e.]

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