
Belectric Bags 150MW UK Solar O&M Deal


               Belectric has been awarded a contract for the operations and maintenance (O&M) for more than 150MW of solar in the UK. The framework agreement is with NextEnergy Solar Fund, which Belectric won through a competitive tender process run by the fund’s asset manager, WiseEnergy. The framework agreement is for three years and will see Belectric add an expected portfolio of at least 10 solar farms with a total capacity of more than 150MW to its O&M footprint in the UK. The solar power plants range from 5MW to 34MW in capacity and are located in various counties across England, including Dorset, East Sussex and Lincolnshire. Belectric has been providing O&M services for the first three systems since late 2022. Dan Kingscote, Commercial and Strategic Projects Manager at WiseEnergy, said: “We are delighted to start our strategic relationship with Belectric following what was an extremely competitive tender process.

               “We have looked to extract more value from our contractors by applying an innovative approach to O&M; throughout the process we have been impressed with Belectric’s diligence, industry knowledge and alignment with the values which we have applied to try and approach traditional O&M challenges in a novel way. “We look forward to working with them.” Since its founding, WiseEnergy has provided solar asset management, monitoring and technical due diligence services to over 1350 utility-scale power plants with an installed capacity in excess of 1.8GW. WiseEnergy clients comprise banks and equity financiers in the energy and infrastructure sector. “With an O&M footprint of a few hundred MW in the United Kingdom alone and 1.7GW on a global scale, we are one of the leading operations and maintenance service providers in the solar industry. “WiseEnergy will benefit from our in-depth expertise,” added Barry Bennett, Managing Director at Belectric Solar Ltd UK.







Credits: [Image: WiseEnergy] 

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