
Ameresco’s 300MW Battery Set To Transform UK Energy Landscape

Ameresco Partners with Atlantic Green for 300MW UK Battery Project

Ameresco has secured a $249 million contract and long-term service agreement with Atlantic Green to deliver a groundbreaking 300MW battery energy storage system (BESS) project in the UK. This ambitious scheme, featuring Envision Energy’s cutting-edge BESS technology, is set to begin construction by mid-2024.

Atlantic Green chose Ameresco and Envision Energy for the Cellarhead project after a competitive tender process. The Cellarhead BESS will connect to National Grid’s Cellarhead substation, enhancing the UK’s energy security and reliability. The connection to the electricity grid is expected by the end of 2026.

With a maximum energy capacity of 624 megawatt hours, the battery will support the increased adoption of clean energy generation, according to the developer. This project marks a significant step towards achieving the UK’s net-zero carbon emissions goals.

Atlantic Green, established in 2021 as a joint venture between Nofar Energy and Interland Group, focuses on investing in, developing, and operating grid-scale standalone battery energy storage systems across the UK. Ameresco’s involvement includes an Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) and Operations & Maintenance (O&M) contract, covering battery supply, balance of plant, warranty, and availability guarantees. The EPC full wrap price is $249 million.

Envision Energy will provide the BESS and associated services, including equipment warranties. Upon completion, Atlantic Green will own and operate the BESS as a critical energy storage asset.

Nick Bradford, Managing Director of Atlantic Green, emphasized the project’s importance: “We believe that continuous development of battery energy storage is vital in the UK’s journey to achieving net-zero carbon emissions, and we are excited to team up with Ameresco to bring this vision to life. Since our founding, Atlantic Green has consistently prioritized finding strategic ways to leverage our battery storage assets within the wider community. We are eager to meet the rising demand for battery storage with this new project, which offers substantial energy capacity to significantly impact the UK electricity system.”

Stay updated on this pivotal development and join the conversation with #BatteryStorage #CleanEnergy #Sustainability #RenewableEnergy #NetZero #Ameresco #AtlanticGreen #EnergyStorage #UKEnergy #GreenFuture







Credit: [Image: Adobestock]


Speak Up: Help Define The Future Of Solar Energy In England

Last Chance for Feedback on Fenwick Solar Farm: Have Your Say

Boom Power is nearing the end of the second consultation phase for its ambitious 50MW Fenwick solar farm project in Doncaster, England. With just over a week left, the clock is ticking for residents and stakeholders to share their views. The deadline for feedback is 11:59 pm on Friday, 31 May 2024.

This solar farm promises to deliver enough carbon-free electricity to power approximately 75,000 homes, playing a crucial role in addressing energy insecurity. Additionally, it will significantly contribute to the UK’s net zero targets and align with Doncaster City Council’s priorities of tackling climate change and increasing renewable energy generation.

The ongoing consultation provides a valuable opportunity for local residents and stakeholders to learn more about the project and voice their opinions. Boom Power is committed to considering all feedback before applying for development consent.

Fenwick Solar Farm is classified as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP). This means the Planning Inspectorate and the Secretary of State for Climate Change and Net Zero must approve the plans before construction can begin.

Boom Power aims to submit a Development Consent Order later in 2024. Don’t miss your chance to shape the future of this vital renewable energy project. Share your thoughts and be part of the change!

Join the conversation and stay informed with #FenwickSolarFarm #RenewableEnergy #Sustainability #CleanEnergy #NetZero #ClimateAction #BoomPower #CommunityInput #GreenFuture.







Credit: [Image: Boom Power]


Solar Surge: Dominating New Energy Capacity In The U.S.

Solar Energy Dominates New U.S. Capacity Additions in Early 2024

A recent review by the SUN DAY Campaign of data released by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) reveals that solar power is taking the lead in new capacity additions in the U.S. In the first quarter of 2024, solar accounted for nearly 87% of all new generating capacity, showcasing its significant impact on the energy landscape.

In March alone, solar power dominated with a staggering 99.7% of the new capacity added, marking the seventh consecutive month where solar has outpaced all other energy sources in new capacity additions. FERC’s “Energy Infrastructure Update” report indicates that 52 units of solar provided 2,833MW of new domestic generating capacity in March, nearly the entire total for that month.

For the first quarter of 2024, solar power contributed 86.79% (6,497MW) of the new generating capacity brought online. Wind energy followed with 12.40% (928MW), while natural gas added 49MW (0.65%). Other contributors included oil (5MW), biomass (3MW), “other” sources (3MW), and hydropower (1MW).

This trend highlights solar’s growing dominance, as it has been the largest source of new generating capacity since September 2023. In fact, the new photovoltaic (PV) capacity added in the first quarter of 2024 was more than double the amount added in the same period in 2023 (2,774MW).

Currently, solar and wind combined account for over a fifth (20.02%) of the nation’s installed utility-scale generating capacity. Including biomass (1.14%) and geothermal (0.33%), renewables now make up 29.37% of the total U.S. utility-scale generating capacity, up from 27.67% a year ago. Solar has recently surpassed nuclear power (8.01%) and is now the fourth-largest source of generating capacity, behind natural gas (43.79%), coal (15.87%), and wind.

Looking ahead, FERC reports that “high probability” additions of PV between April 2024 and March 2027 total 89,030MW. This is more than three and a half times the forecasted net “high probability” additions for wind (24,483MW), the second-fastest-growing resource.

Ken Bossong, executive director of the SUN DAY Campaign, noted, “FERC’s data for the first quarter seem to confirm forecasts by multiple sources that solar will dominate new capacity additions in 2024. It is not unreasonable to suggest that solar’s growth this year will exceed expectations.”

Stay informed about the latest developments in the renewable energy sector and join the conversation with #SolarEnergy #RenewableEnergy #Sustainability #CleanEnergy #EnergyTransition #USEnergy #SolarPower #GreenFuture







Credit: [Image: Unsplash/APPA]


Shining Bright In Finland: Fotowatio Ventures Into PV Market

Fotowatio Renewable Ventures (FRV) Enters Finnish Market with Ambitious 600MW Solar Pipeline

Fotowatio Renewable Ventures (FRV), a subsidiary of Jameel Energy, has announced a significant expansion into the Finnish market in collaboration with local operator Will & Must. Together, they aim to develop an impressive 600MW solar pipeline, a project set to reach the “ready to build” phase between 2024 and 2026.

This venture marks FRV’s first foray into the Nordic countries, underscoring the company’s dedication to a sustainable future. By partnering with industry experts like Will & Must, FRV is poised to bring its vast experience and expertise to Finland. This move follows FRV’s recent entry into the German market, where it aims to power 800,000 homes with solar energy.

Andrea Fontana, FRV Europe Managing Director, expressed enthusiasm about the project: “We are delighted to offer our international experience and expertise in promising new markets like Finland. This is one of the most promising markets for renewable energy, and we are convinced that our offerings will be in high demand.”

The founding team of Will & Must, including Matti Parpala, Mikke Vepsäläinen, and Anssi Voipio, shared their excitement: “We eagerly anticipate reducing Finland’s emissions and accelerating the green transition with FRV. Their extensive experience in large-scale projects will be invaluable to the Finnish photovoltaic market. We aim to demonstrate the benefits to local landowners and communities, ensuring social acceptance and efficient project construction.”

The Nordic countries are increasingly embracing photovoltaics and solar power, complementing their existing wind-driven energy systems. Finland, in particular, offers abundant land, favorable solar irradiation conditions, extended daylight hours during summer, and the reflective properties of snow, which enhances solar efficiency. Additionally, photovoltaic cells perform better in colder environments, making Finland an ideal location for solar energy projects.

Stay updated on this exciting development and join the conversation with #SolarEnergy #RenewableEnergy #Sustainability #FRV #Finland #GreenTransition #Photovoltaics #SolarPower #CleanEnergy #NordicSolar #FutureEnergy








Credit: [Image: Fotowatio Renewable Ventures]


Iberdrola Expands Green Footprint With New Italian PPA

Iberdrola and Bayer Join Forces for Renewable Energy with a 11-Year Solar PPA in Italy

Iberdrola and pharmaceutical giant Bayer have entered into a landmark agreement to offtake renewable energy from an off-site solar power purchase agreement (PPA) in Italy. Starting in January 2025, this 11-year deal will provide a total of 33GWh of clean energy, underscoring both companies’ commitment to environmental sustainability.

Bayer’s Garbagnate Milanese site will exclusively utilize electricity from renewable sources, a move that aligns with the company’s dedication to reducing its carbon footprint. The solar energy will be sourced from Iberdrola’s Montefiascone photovoltaic plant in Lazio, which boasts a total installed capacity of 7MW and represents Iberdrola’s second such project in Italy.

Vincent Curtin, CEO of Bayer’s Garbagnate Milanese site, expressed enthusiasm about the partnership: “This collaboration with Iberdrola allows us to harness renewable energy, significantly cutting the environmental impact of our operations. It is a testament to Bayer’s unwavering commitment to global carbon reduction targets as outlined by the United Nations and the Paris Agreement.”

With the addition of the Montefiascone plant and other authorized photovoltaic projects in Italy, Iberdrola is on track to achieve an impressive operational capacity of 400MW in the country by 2025.

Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting venture and join the conversation with #RenewableEnergy #Sustainability #SolarPower #GreenEnergy #Iberdrola #Bayer #CleanEnergy #Italy #CarbonReduction #ClimateAction #ParisAgreement







Credit: [Image: Iberdrola]


UK Solar Industry Safeguards Food Security

Solar Energy UK has assured that the photovoltaic (PV) industry poses no threat to food security, following a written Ministerial Statement by Energy Secretary Claire Coutinho reiterating government policy.

Chris Hewett, chief executive of Solar Energy UK, emphasized, “Solar farms occupy a tiny fraction of the country, and this will remain true even in 2035, when we aim to quadruple our current solar capacity. They pose no threat to food security; in fact, they combat the primary threat—climate change, as identified by Defra. Without solar farms, many traditional farming businesses would have collapsed due to the lack of reliable income.”

Coutinho’s statement clarified that “applicants should, where possible, utilize suitable previously developed land, brownfield land, contaminated land, and industrial land.” This came amidst media reports suggesting a crackdown on solar projects. However, the REA pointed out that Coutinho’s comments did not introduce any significant policy changes.

Coutinho added, “For necessary use of agricultural land, poorer quality land should be preferred over higher quality land, avoiding ‘Best and Most Versatile’ agricultural land where possible.” The government also plans to support independent certification of soil quality assessments to avoid disputes over planning guidelines.

Dr. Nina Skorupska CBE, chief executive of the REA, stressed the importance of solar energy in achieving Net Zero. “We need all available tools and technologies to reach Net Zero. Solar is highly popular with the public and the existing planning guidance already protects productive land. Restricting solar development would jeopardize jobs, investment, and the UK’s ability to meet its 2035 net zero power system goal, leaving us reliant on costly fossil fuels.”

The REA called on the Government to publish their Solar Roadmap promptly, outlining the path to achieving the essential 70GW solar PV deployment target.

#SolarEnergy #RenewableEnergy #FoodSecurity #ClimateChange #NetZero #SustainableFarming #EnergyPolicy #GreenFuture #SolarRoadmap







Credit: [Image: UK Government]


Collaborators Launch Demonstration Of Floating Solar System In Japan

Breaking Waves: Japan’s First Floating Solar Project Sets Sail in Tokyo Bay

In an exciting collaboration, Tokyu Land Corporation and SolarDuck, alongside Kyocera Communication Systems Corporation, have unveiled Japan’s maiden floating solar project. Nestled in the scenic Tokyo Bay area, this innovative power plant is poised to revolutionize renewable energy in the region.

Bolstered by the support of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, this demonstration project marks a significant leap forward in sustainable technology. SolarDuck, in partnership with Everblue Technologies, earned acclaim in November 2022 for their pioneering work in “cutting-edge renewable energy,” laying the groundwork for this groundbreaking initiative.

Throughout 2024, these visionary companies will showcase the capabilities of floating solar power generation, energy storage in ground-based batteries, and efficient transportation of stored energy. The renewable energy harnessed will power Open Street Corporation’s fleet of electric mobility vehicles and propel an electric boat through Tokyo’s azure waters.

Looking ahead, plans are underway to leverage this renewable energy source for upcoming events in the vibrant Takeshiba area, further cementing Tokyo’s commitment to a greener, more sustainable future. Stay tuned as Japan sets sail towards a brighter, cleaner energy landscape! ⚓🌞 #FloatingSolar #TokyoBayRenewables #InnovationAtASea








Credit: [Image: SolarDuck]


Voltalia Breaks Ground On 126MW Solar Project In Uzbekistan

               Voltalia is igniting a renewable revolution in Uzbekistan as it breaks ground on its groundbreaking 126MW solar and battery project, Sarimay. Set to illuminate the nation’s energy landscape, Sarimay is poised for commissioning in the latter half of 2025. But Voltalia’s ambitions don’t stop there. With two new strategic partnerships inked, the Sarimay project will now boast a 50MW battery, enhancing its energy storage capabilities. Meanwhile, a mammoth 500MW Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) is on the horizon, promising to power Uzbekistan’s future with sustainable vigor. This power-packed endeavor stems from a momentous 25-year power purchase contract secured in 2022 through an IFC-managed tender, under the World Bank’s umbrella. To fuel this transformative vision, Voltalia has teamed up with heavyweight financiers like the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the Japan International Cooperation Agency.

               Nestled within the vibrant Khorezm region, the solar power plant is just the beginning of a multi-energy saga. Plans for a 50MW battery storage unit are swiftly materializing, set to kick off construction in 2024. Additionally, whispers of a future 100MW wind farm are surfacing, hinting at a holistic energy ecosystem in the making. Bolstering its commitment, Voltalia recently penned a monumental memorandum of understanding at the Tashkent International Investment Forum. This landmark agreement paves the way for a colossal 500MW battery storage complex, backed by a steadfast long-term sales contract. The tripartite alliance between the Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade (MIFT), and Voltalia is a testament to their collective vision: propelling Uzbekistan’s renewable prowess forward while ensuring grid stability and sustainability.

               Voltalia’s CEO, Sebastien Clerc, encapsulates the spirit of this transformative journey: “Our strides in Sarimay and the visionary storage complex underscore our unwavering dedication to Uzbekistan’s energy evolution. These initiatives epitomize our mission to spearhead innovative solutions that catalyze decarbonization and energize the nation’s future.” 💡🌍 #VoltaliaInUzbekistan #RenewableEnergyRevolution








Credit: [Image: Voltalia]


UK’s Power Play: Unraveling The 480MW PV Behemoth Examined By Planners

Unlocking the Power of Solar: Inside the West Burton Project’s Journey to Approval 🌞💡

The UK Planning Inspectorate has wrapped up its scrutiny of Island Green Power’s ambitious 480MW West Burton solar project, marking a significant milestone in the renewable energy landscape.

Now, all eyes turn to the next chapter as planners craft their recommendation report, slated to land on DESNZ Secretary Claire Coutinho’s desk by 8 August. Coutinho will then wield her decision-making power over the proposed PV project within the next three months.

This journey hasn’t been without its twists and turns. Last year, timetable congestion put the brakes on the examination of large solar projects, causing a delay in the process. However, perseverance prevailed as the examination resumed in November after a temporary halt in September.

The proposed project, poised to span three strategic sites near the Nottingham-Lincolnshire border, holds the promise of linking to a vital substation at the former West Burton coal-fired power station.

As we await the final verdict, the West Burton Project stands as a beacon of hope for clean energy enthusiasts and a testament to the ongoing push towards a sustainable future. Stay tuned for more updates on this groundbreaking venture! 🌍✨ #WestBurtonProject #SolarPower #RenewableEnergy








Credit: [Image: Intec]


Ilmatar’s Solar Triumph: Advancing 450MW Swedish Project To New Heights

Ilmatar’s Solar Revolution: Applying for a Brighter Future at Tönnersjö

In a bold move towards sustainability, Ilmatar has set its sights on the 450MW Tönnersjö solar farm, a game-changer spanning 450 hectares in Sweden’s picturesque County of Halland.

🌞 Planting the Seeds: The journey began in 2022 with meticulous planning and a visionary land lease agreement with Silvestica Green Forest. Now, after rigorous assessments and consultations, the environmental permit application marks a significant step forward for this monumental project.

🌿 Eco-Friendly Powerhouse: Ilmatar’s commitment to environmentally conscious energy is evident in every aspect of the Tönnersjö project. By strategically locating solar panels in production forests, the focus remains on minimal ecological impact while maximizing renewable energy output.

🚀 Milestone Achievement: Surpassing 1GW in project applications is no small feat, and Ilmatar’s dedication to Sweden’s renewable energy landscape is unmatched. The direct connection to the national grid will amplify energy production where it’s needed most, driving progress in SE4’s electricity area.

💡 Shaping Tomorrow: Robert Wedmo’s vision of a sustainable energy future is palpable. “Solar power’s rapid growth is transforming how we generate electricity,” he states, highlighting Ilmatar’s pivotal role in this evolution.

🌍 Green Innovators: Ilmatar’s approach isn’t just about power; it’s about pioneering a new era in renewable energy. With over 6GW in the pipeline, their focus on areas with minimal ecological impact showcases a commitment to sustainability that’s truly groundbreaking.

As Christian Gustafsson aptly puts it, “We are ready for substantial development, awaiting only permits and grid connections.” The Tönnersjö solar farm is not just a project; it’s a beacon of hope for a greener, brighter tomorrow. #SolarRevolution #SustainableEnergy #Innovation








Credit: [Image: Ilmatar]