
UK Hits Renewables Generation Record


               The UK has hit a major milestone, passing one trillion kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity generated from renewable energy sources. The data from National Grid analytics reveals that it has taken 50 years to reach the milestone, and based on current projections, will take just over five years to reach the next trillionth kWh. Records began in 1970 when renewables represented 1.9% of total generation, with hydro being the main source at the time (4.5TWh).

               The data indicates that offshore and onshore wind and solar entered the generation mix in 2010, in line with the emergence of key pieces of legislation including the Energy Review in 2006 and the renewable energy directive in 2009.   Last month April 2023, 46% of Britain’s electricity came from zero carbon sources according to the National Grid ESO’s monthly electricity statistics. The month also saw a new low carbon intensity record of 33g/kWh on 10 April with just 0.1% of generation from coal.  Ben Wilson, interim president for National Grid Ventures, said: “This major milestone re-affirms the UK’s position as world leaders in renewable energy and highlights the vital role renewables play in our transition to a cleaner energy future.  “Accelerating the delivery of renewable energy must continue to be a priority for a cleaner, more secure and more affordable energy future for everyone, but it requires the right framework to make it happen. “We are committed to working with government and our partners to make it a reality.”






Credits: [Image: National Grid]

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