
Renewable Connections Secures Fife Battery Permit


               Renewable Connections, a UK solar and storage developer, has won planning approval for its Balbougie Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) in Fife, Scotland. The BESS project and its associated cable route and infrastructure were approved by Fife Council’s Planning Committee on 7 June. The development has a maximum import capacity of 42MW and will be built on land at South Pargillis, Clockluine Road, Hillend, Dunfermline.

              It will connect into the Inverkeithing Grid Supply Point and construction of the site is anticipated to commence in 2024 The Council’s planning officer recommended the scheme for approval and was unanimously backed by committee members. Development director at Renewable Connections John Leith said: “Fife Council is leading by example on the path to net zero. As well as declaring a Climate Emergency in 2019 the council has been proactive in launching its own Climate Fife Action plan to support the area’s climate-friendly and carbon neutral ambitions.” He added: “Projects like Balbougie BESS are integral to helping achieve these aims. Battery storage has a key role to play in ensuring homes and businesses can be powered by renewable energy sources, even when the sun isn’t shining or when the wind isn’t blowing. “The system will help balance supply and demand across the National Grid, with the ability to store and release power for tens of thousands of homes, as well as displacing a significant amount of CO2 from fossil fuel sources per year of operation.”







Credits: [Image: Adobestock]

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