
Energizing The Future: Richborough Battery Project Successfully Plugs Into The Grid!


Energizing the Future: Richborough Energy Park’s Monumental Battery Storage Project

               Imagine a future where our energy needs are met with seamless efficiency and sustainability. That future is getting closer, thanks to the groundbreaking Richborough Energy Park battery storage project in the UK, now fully energized and ready to revolutionize the way we manage power. Nestled in Kent, this 100MW/100MWh project, a brainchild of Pacific Green and Sosteneo Energy Transition Fund, marks a significant milestone in our renewable energy journey. Connected to the National Grid via the robust 400kV Richborough substation, this project is not just about storing energy – it’s about securing a stable, reliable power supply for the future. But what makes this project truly extraordinary? It’s designed to provide crucial grid stability services. As renewable energy sources like wind and solar become more prevalent, their variable nature can lead to fluctuations in voltage and frequency. The Richborough Energy Park steps in to smooth out these imbalances, ensuring a consistent, uninterrupted flow of electricity.

               Developed and managed by Pacific Green under a long-term asset management agreement, this facility is Sosteneo’s first foray into the UK’s energy sector. It represents a leap forward in integrating renewable energy into our daily lives. Ensuring the safety and efficiency of this connection, National Grid has upgraded the Richborough substation. New switchgear, protection, and control systems on the supergrid transformer have been installed, establishing a robust tertiary connection for the project. Stuart Jones, Portfolio Director for the Customer Connection South Region at National Grid Electricity Transmission, captures the essence of this endeavor: “Battery storage has a crucial role to play in delivering a net-zero energy system in Britain. Connecting projects like Pacific Green’s at Richborough Energy Park to our transmission network is a key step in our country’s clean energy journey.” The Richborough site, steeped in history, is now set to become a pivotal part of our network for the energy transition. This substation connects clean electricity projects like batteries and interconnectors, harnessing increasing volumes of renewable power for a brighter, greener future. Join us in celebrating this monumental step towards a sustainable energy landscape, where the Richborough Energy Park stands as a beacon of progress, innovation, and hope for a net-zero world.







Credits: [Image: Pacific Green]

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